“Be The Star of Entrepreneurship” Mentorship Sessions: Project Management

The “Be The Star of Entrepreneurship” 2022 workshop has started its work! April 9 saw two successful mentorship sessions one of which was about Project Management, conducted by Mehad Ul Haque. Read ahead to know about the Project Management session.

“Be The Star of Entrepreneurship” Mentorship Sessions: Project Management

Mehad Ul Haque, Senior Consultant & Project Manager, LightCastle Partners & consultant and Country Coordinator at Biniyog Briddhi, a 4-year impact investment catalytic program funded by the Swiss Embassy.

He was the mentor for this session on Project Management. It was wonderful to have him share his in-depth knowledge on various subjects related to project management. It was interactive throughout the entire duration.

After the participants and the mentor joined, the session kicked off with an initial introduction phase. Mehad introduced himself and asked about the participants who joined the session. There was a great response and then the slides were brought onto the screen, starting the session material.

Naturally, he provided an introduction to project management and described the types of projects there may be. Then moved on to discuss Demystifying project management, and what it means to manage any type of project. He continued to discuss how there are project boundaries and what those boundaries entail. 

After the basics were covered, he moved on to the stages of a project such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and lastly the closing.  The fact is that it is very important to report everything and keep documents. 

Then comes the consideration of whether or not a project is successful. There are certain factors that will determine that and those factors were debriefed. He also mentioned that it is up to the project leader to determine the parameters of the successful execution of a project.

That is the half an hour of the session and then it progressed towards a question-answer segment where participants asked about the session materials or their own projects that are undergoing some issues. 

Mehad helped them understand the depths of the problems they were facing and provided amazing insight. He nudged the participants toward viable possible solutions for their respective projects. 

The entire session ran for around an hour and it was great to have such a wonderful first session being conducted with thoughtful insight and interaction between the mentor and the participants. Just before the ending, the CTO of Turtle Venture, Anowar Sayef Anik joined the session with an ending speech and interacted with the session mentor, and with that, the session came to an end. 


(written by Saiyara Mahjabin)

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